Los Banos Rotary Club History
Tells of Golf Club Plans
Members of
the local Rotary Club Tuesday noon heard Sam E. Harris, Dos Palos business man,
tell of plans now underway for construction of a golf course on the West Side
to serve the communities of Dos Palos, Firebaugh, Mendota and Los Banos. The course
would officially be known as the Westside Golf Course and be located just south
of the city of Dos Palos.
Harris said the cooperation being shown by Dos
Palos’ neighboring cities was enthusiastic and wholehearted, and be predicted
that the necessary memberships would be sold well in advance of the September
30 deadline. The 9-hole course will cost approximately $30,000 and be complete
with Bermuda grass fairways, bent grass greens, sprinkling system, etc.
Answering on inquiry as to whether members of the course would pay dues or green
fees, Harris explained that no definite answer to this question could be given
at the present time, as the decision was one that must be made by a majority vote
of the members after organization. Numerous successful golf courses have in the
last few years eliminated payment of membership dues, and depend solely on member
and non-member green fees. Whether or not this can be accomplished at the Westside
Golf Course will depend largely on conditions as they develop after the course
is actually in use.
Harris said that every effort would be made to maintain
the course as a public course, but that if it became too popular it would undoubtedly
become semi-private, with public play restricted on Sundays and holidays. The
average course, he said, can accommodate only about 300 players in a day, and
the proposed Westside Golf Course will have nearly that many family memberships.
The speaker was introduced by Louis Castellucci, acting program chairman.
Ralph Brownscombe, of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, was introduced
as a new member and welcomed into the club by President Charles T. Kaljian. Brownscombe
was a member of the Hollister Rotary Club before moving to Los Banos.
Charles Alden, club secretary, introduced Misses Yvonne Erreca, Joanne Williams
and Nadine Williams as the three young ladies who so graciously graced the Rotary
Club float in the May Day parade. The ladies were guests of the club as a small
gesture of appreciation for their cooperation.
May 14, 1946