Banos Rotary Club History
Clubs See Weed Control Picture
The Rotary and Lions Clubs had much the same program this week, with the showing of a colored movie film on weed control at each meeting. The film, provided by James Davis of the agricultural division of the Sherwin-Williams Paint Co., showed the successful use of 2-4,D, newly developed chemical that effectively controls weeds of the broad leafed varieties.
The chemical, marketed under the trade name of Weed-no-More, is an emulsified type of 40 per cent strength that works equally well in either oil or water. For most weeds an effective control can be obtained with an application of as little as four ounces per acre.
The film, with sound, showed application techniques and the astonishing results accomplished.
Lions Meeting
At the Lions Club dinner meeting, Joe Vajretti, president, and Sam Benidettino, tail twister, had a busy night of it, after announcing that all fines collected during the evening would be contributed to the annual March of Dimes drive. The members entered into the spirit with gusto, so much so that numerous of them lost their neckties along with their pocketbooks. Highlight of the fundraising drive was the auctioning off of an imported knit tie that was strong-armed from around the neck of Lion Elwood Van Alstyne and sold to Ray McCauley for $10.00. Fines collected during the evening totaled more than $50, including a sizeable contribution from the bald-headed fraternity of which John Torre is the acknowledged president.
Rotary Meeting
The Rotary luncheon also provided occasion for several reports on community matters. Mike Dambrosio, general chairman of the May Day festival, spoke briefly on the celebration, outlined its history and 1949 plans, and urged the wholehearted financial and moral support of the club members to make the celebration a success. He also explained the purpose and features of the May Day souvenir program, which is designed to furnish factual information to the public and serve as an advertising medium for the businessmen who are financially backing the festival.
O. B. Zentner spoke briefly concerning the Merced County Traffic Safety Council meeting held here the preceding evening and urged an increasing interest by the motoring public in matters of highway safety.
Norman Vogt and Rev. Robert Reis commented briefly on Boy Scout activities and called attention to Boy Scout Week, which will be observed next week all over the United States.
Charles "Cappy" Spindt high school student body presided who has been a guest at club luncheons through the present school term, introduced Tino Nunes, fellow high school student who is president of the Future Farmers Club. Nunes will be the guest of the club through the remainder of the school year.
February 11, 1949