Banos Rotary Club History
Fresno Rotarian Is Visitor Here
Joe Dale, of the Dale Brothers Coffee Co., Fresno, and long-time member of the Fresno Rotary Club, was guest speaker at the Tuesday noon luncheon of the Los Banos Rotary Club. Speaking on the subject "Dividends in Friendship," Dale emphasized the meaning and value of friendship, both on a personal and international basis. In the latter connection he emphasized that Rotary is itself built on friendship, and as expressed among all clubs of the world, such friendliness and understanding is all-important to the future peace and prosperity of all countries.
Presenting a creed that the gift of giving rather than the graft of happiness, Dale cited numerous personal experiences of rich dividends in friendship and assured his listeners that similar rich awards in friendships awaited all persons who are honest and friendly with their fellow men.
June 13, 1952