Banos Rotary Club History
Gives New Stand On Communism
A different interpretation of the meaning and theory of Communism was given members of the Los Banos Rotary Club Tuesday noon by Rev. John Christenson, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church at Merced, Declaring that Communism is not primarily an economical idea that has its greatest appeal among the poor, underprivileged and uneducated, Rev. Christenson declared that rather Communism is a theory of a perfect world in which our basic belief in God and in the hereafter is discarded in favor of a belief that Man Is God and that man is master of his own fate. As originally expounded by Karl Marx, Communism is a cause, a struggle by man to solve his own problems, to live a complete, full and happy life without dependence and without seeking guidance and help from God and the teachings of Christianity.
In theory, Rev. Christenson warned, a selfish, man-glorifying appeal of Communism presents a challenge and a goal toward which its adherents labor with fanatical zeal; because in theory the principles of Communism represent a truly ideal worldly life in which economical laws and forever would govern the world.
In practice, however, the theory is disproven, because of man's own selfishness and just for power, which is exemplified today by Stalin in Soviet Russia. Under Communism in the United States and in all free countries the average or middle class man would be in the greatest sufferer, who would be deprived of full freedom, of his right of free enterprise and free speech and free religion.
The real danger of Communism, Rev. Christensen emphasized, is that it constitutes a line about man; because it is not Christian. And the time has now come when Communism must be fought for what it truly is—a man-made, man-worshiping theory that first and above all discounts and discredits Christianity and God.
July 25, 1952