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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Prescribes Rules For Happy Life

In an inspiring message punctuated with optimism and happiness, Golden Driggs, well known Fresno insurance broker and district manager for the New York Life Insurance Co., Tuesday noon addressed members of the local club on the art of successful living.

"If you value the time God has given you to live," he said, "learn to adjust your mental attitude and thinking toward the bright and happy side of life; be conscious of your strength rather than your weaknesses; and accept hardships not as something to crush one but as representing a challenge that can be met and overcome."

To accomplish such mental success, Driggs recommended a three-way team of God, doctor, and self, which, when pulling together, "can accomplish almost anything."

Worry, most of it needless and senseless, is the primary evil of mental health the speaker declared. Too many people spend their lives worrying about things they can do nothing about, especially of world or national nature of such magnitude that even our most capable and concentrated worrying can help not one whit. Learn, he said, to restrict your worrying to things that you can do something about, then develop the habit of believing you can change such conditions.

Classifying himself as an amateur investigator of the processes that make people "click" Driggs pointed out the chronic complainer, who forever has a tale of woes and troubles to relate to the most casual listener. "No one is particularly interested in your personal troubles, and really doesn't want to hear about it. If you want advice, seek expert counsel and pay for it like any other commodity that you acquire.

Driggs, who has appeared as guest speaker at several previous Rotary meetings and has a wide circle of friends here, preceded his talk with a brief complimentary tribute to his local insurance representative Fred Rosa. Rosa, who is recognized as one of the country's top insurance representatives, is this year celebrating his twentieth anniversary with the company.
Rotary President Otto Zentner announced there will be no noon luncheon of the club next Tuesday, but an evening dinner honoring the high school football team will be held at the Los Banos Elementary School cafeteria, starting at 7 o'clock.

Tentative plans were also announced for a holiday period Ladies Night party, to be held sometime in the Christmas-New Year's week.

November 30, 1956

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