Banos Rotary Club History
Quinn Relates Moral Disintegration Story
"Sales of liquor to minors is a critical social problem but only small part of over-all moral disintegration," James H. Quinn, member of the State Board of Equalization, revealed this week in a news report to the Enterprise. Quinn spoke recently here in Los Banos before the local Rotary Club.
He pointed out that he is responsible to the people of his district as their representative on an enforcement agency. "But no enforcement agency, nor all of them combined, can accomplish their purpose without the assistance of every parent, every teacher, and every religious and civic organization."
Quinn quoted from a newspaper editorial in which Edgar Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of investigation, reminds the public of some pertinent facts.
Did you know, asks Hoover, that people spend eight times more hours at the movies than at Sunday School; that only one out of 12 persons attends church; that seven out of eight children quit church and Sunday School attendance before they reach 15 years of age; that 15 million "sex" magazines are printed monthly, and are read by one-third of the American people; that there are more bar-maids in this country than girls in college; that 100,000 girls disappear every year in white slavery; that our nation harbors three times as many criminals as college students; that a major crime is committed every 22 seconds, and an aggravated assault or rape every hour."
"I pass this on to you because I was shocked when I read it," Quinn concluded.
April 10, 1953