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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Rotarians Hosts to Jr. Traffic Boys

Members of the Los Banos Junior Traffic Patrol and their leaders, John Torre and Chief of Police R. H. McSwain, were guests of the Los Banos Rotary Club at their luncheon Tuesday noon.

Their presence was a token of recognition and appreciation for the community service they are rendering in connection with safeguarding the school children at noon and in the afternoon as they leave the school grounds by directing traffic at the four busiest intersections.

R. M. Miano, school superintendent, John Torre, assistant principal, and Chief McSwain spoke briefly in praise of the work the boys are doing, and Torre introduced each member of the Patrol.

The Patrol consists of four units, each with a captain, as follows: Anthony Brown, capt., Wallace Goff and Omer Jo Willis; John Mevi, capt., Peter Yriarte, Bobby Erreca, Rodger Post and John Germino; Donald Escallier, capt., Jim Pernetti, Joe Merrill, and Bobby Pisacco; Joe Padilla, capt., Michael Ciuffo, Albert Reis and Richard Freitas.

After the boys had returned to their classes, Rotary President R. Lindemann conducted a semi business session, which broke up in an indignant walkout as he tried to impose an alleged entertainment feature on the group by calling on a quintet of Jack Duarte, Carl Hultgren, Bob Puccinelli, Harry Meyer and Bob Reis to give a rendition of old time Christmas songs. After the first feeble chord, most of the members walked out on the president and his improved choristers.

December 9, 1947

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