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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Rotarians See Judo Demonstration

Sergeants John Louis Hoormann, Jr., and Amil J. Damron, judo instructors at Castle Air Base, Merced, gave a demonstration of the art of judo at the Rotary club luncheon here Tuesday noon. Preceding a demonstration of the numerous holds and techniques, Hoormann explained the history of the sport, and explained why this science of self defense has become a regular part of Air Force training.

Developed before the turn of the century by the Chinese army as part of its technique, the system has been developed primarily by the Chinese and Japanese people, both as a personal defense in wartime and as a national sport Hoormann said that judo, though being developed now for air force personnel as a matter of man-to-man defense, also shows promise as a popular sport, and he predicted that in another decade or so it will become a very popular sport in this country.

He explained that the mastry of judo requires extensive practice and training, both in the mastery of holds and counter holds, and also in the art of knowing how to fall without injury. He also said that while judo as a wartime defense weapon is vicious and potent, as a sport there are very few injuries recorded, so much so that an injury to one contestant brings discredit upon his opponent.

The program was arranged by Wm. McCandless, who is in charge of the gas division of P. G. & E. in this community.

September 10, 1954

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