Banos Rotary Club History
Rotary Governor Is Visitor Here
Robert J. Craine, Hanford plumbing contractor and district governor of Rotary International, made his official visit to the Los Banos Rotary Club Tuesday noon, bringing a message of Rotary activities throughout the world. The preceding evening Governor Craine met with the local club's board of directors and committee heads, hearing reports of project accomplishments and procedure during the year and making recommendations as to future activities.
At the luncheon Craine stressed Rotary as a philosophy or life and a way of living, declaring that the primary concepts of the organization is to develop better understanding and fellowship among business and professional men, promotion of community betterment undertakings and fostering the advancement of good will, understanding and peace.
Pointing out that a friend is one who appreciates the good qualities in you and is willing to overlook your shortcomings, Governor Craine said it behooves the people of this country to learn more of and about the peoples of other countries and work to better understand and know them, so that we can better learn to live together.
Craine said Rotary has spent more than $1,250,000 in recent years through its program of student fellowships to further this international understanding. Most of this money has been in the form of student fellowships, which enable outstanding college graduates to study for one year in countries other than their own, as ambassadors of good will. Since this program was established in 1947, 493 Rotary Fellowships have been awarded to students in 55 countries.
February 5, 1954