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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Tells Of Recent Rotary Conflab

Pete Petersen, Patterson ice cream manufacturer and Past District Governor of this Rotary district, Tuesday noon gave members of the Los Banos Rotary Club a brief resume of the recent Rotary International convention at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, together with his impressions of portions of South America which he visited. The convention, Petersen said, was an outstanding success and highly enjoyed by all. Most impressive, he said, was the lavish entertainment afforded by the host club, which spent some $200,000 on entertainment features alone.

Petersen, in company with other Rotarian delegates from this state, made the trip by airplane, going via Mexico, the Canal Zone, and over the Amazon river, which was some 200 miles wide at the point where the plane crossed. He was particularly impressed with the modern architecture of many South American cities, which is mostly of native granite and reinforced concrete.
Petersen said that some 8000 Rotarians from all parts of the world were in attendance at the convention, and that it was the first time in history where English-speaking delegates were in the minority.

June 15, 1948

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