Los Banos Rotary Club
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Los Banos Rotary Club History
WM. Woo Is New Rotary President

William Woo, local rancher, will serve as president of the Los Banos Rotary Club for one year beginning July 1. Now serving as a member of the board of directors, Woo has been a member of the club for the past seven years. He, in partnership with two brothers, operates a 2,000-ac.ranch south of town. Woo, a confirmed bachelor, resides in town and is now starting construction of a new home in the Paradise Acres subdivision.

Charles Alden was reelected as club secretary, and Ralph Cargile was reelected treasurer.

The directors have made plans for a ladies' night party to be held Tuesday evening, April 3, at Memorial Hall. Woo is general chairman of the affair and Mike Dambrosio is first assistant.

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