Silvana Bastidas
from Ecuador.
speaker this week was Bill Nunes from Gustine Rotary and Silvana
from Ecuador.
As you may remember, Bill and Silvana came earlier this year
to tell us
about the farming apprenticeship Silvana had embarked upon here
with Bill.
Silvana has studied "Sustainable Farming Techniques" this
year under
Bill's tutelage.
She is returning to Ecuador to teach these
techniques to farmers there.
Silvana will also help to organize a CSA [Community
Support Agriculture]
business in Ecuador.
CSA is a means of connecting
the small farmer directly with the local
The area Silvana
will be working in has about the same weather
conditions we're experiencing
here now, all year around.
So, they don't have a large variety of crops.
is the business plan Bill is currently using.
He grows and delivers produce
to customers who "subscribe" to his service.
Silvana will help the
farmers learn to grow, package and distribute
their produce.
They will
initially be working with 3 organizations of about 50 people
each and will
begin by delivering about 20 baskets of produce a week.
The goal is to at least
double this distribution number in order for the
farmers to become self-sustaining.
the Los Banos Rotary have combined with the Gustine Rotary to
support this
Lowe's will be supplying irrigation materials.
Bill and
Mark Jones are planning a trip to Ecuador to help install and
train the farmers
on how to use drip irrigation.
Bill & Silvana have whittled down the
initial budget for this project
from over $7,000 to about $4,100.
a non-government organization has agreed to oversee the spending of
this project.
is working on getting matching funds from Rotary Interational.
Los Banos and
Gustine rotary have raised $1,076 so far this year.
Today, Gene presented a
check to Silvana from our Los Banos Rotary for $500.
notes by S.P.

Bastidas from Ecuador
Photography by Charles Guest
of Memorable Places Photography
© Copyright 2009-2010