Merced Sun-Star
Executive Editor Michael Tharp shares some of his life and Times with the Los
Banos Rotary Club.
Tharp, Executive Editor of the Merced Sun-Star was our speaker
this week.
Grew up in Oklahoma & Kansas.
* Was a Rotary Foundation Fellow. Rotary
sent him to UK for a year after
college graduation. He spent most of that
year in Wales.
* Covered the Gulf War and current Iraqi War as a war correspondent.
Was embedded with US infantry units in Iraq.
* Wrote: Ten Lessons Learned from
War - Link:
Mr. Tharp stated that:
* Iraqui citizens see us as "occupiers"
Standard of living has gone down since we invaded Iraq
* Iraqui Government
is more corrupt now than when Saddam was in power
* Europe & Asia see US
as imperialists. That the invasion is just a
grab for power and oil.
No one from Iraq was involved in 9/11
* Then Mr. Tharp spoke a great deal about
* He thinks it'll take $700Billion, 10 years & 200,000 troops
to win
in Afghanistan
* Says that differences between Iraq and Afghanistan
Terrain - desert vs mountains, Education - Iraquis educated vs
Afghans & Internal structure - Central Government vs Afghan
Says that US troops are used brutally in Afghanistan. Home for 6
to 8 months
then back to Afghanistan 3 and 4 times
* Says that Afghanistan is near to impossible
to conquer. Failures
include Alexander the Great, British & Russia
Al Quaida hides in Pakistan. If we're to win we'd have to invade
In Mr. Tharp's opinion the only reason we're in Afghanistan is
that, that
was where Osama Bin Laden planned 9/11.
notes by S.P

by Charles Guest of Memorable Places
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